Best Urban Exploration (Urbex) Books


Explore Everything- Bradley L Garrett

Bradley L Garrett is a ethnographic researcher who immersed himself in the Urbex scene in London (and later across the world). In this book he tells us the stories of the London Consolidation Crew. His fascinating explores (including climbing the shard, entering Burlington Bunker & disused tube stations and scaling Battersea Power Station) are documented in this thrilling account. He also explores the cultural, geographic and philosophical elements of Urban Exploration, the urban landscape and our rights to the city. Both his stories and his political/geographic analysis are thought-provoking and powerful.

Explore Everything” reclaims the city, recasting it as a place for endless adventure… Bradley L. Garrett has evaded urban security in order to experience the city in ways beyond the boundaries of conventional life. He calls it ‘place hacking’ the recoding of closed, secret, hidden and forgotten urban space to make them realms of opportunity. “

Click to view this book on Amazon

Access All Areas- Ninjalicious

The ultimate Urban Explorer’s handbook and how-to guide. This well-written and witty book offers practical tips and ideas for exploring, including preparation, social engineering, how to deal with security and what to bring, with a few Urbex stories thrown in for good measure. If you find yourself asking these questions, our guides may also help.

“Through step-by-step explanations and examples, experienced explorer Ninjalious guides an illuminating off-limits tour of the urban landscape, sure to whet the curious appetites of eager initiates and armchair explorers alike”

Click to view this book on Amazon

Hidden Cities- Moses Gates

“In this fascinating glimpse into the world of urban exploration, Moses Gates describes his trespasses in some of the most illustrious cities in the world from Paris to Cairo to Moscow”

Click to view this book on Amazon

Islands of Abandonment- Cal Flyn

This book is part geographic article, part poetic description of abandoned landscapes, and is well worth a read. It is focused on the natural and geographic elements of abandoned places. Of all the books here this is the one most likely to be enjoyed by a non-urban explorer, and would perhaps be suitable to lend to that friend/family member who just doesn’t seem to understand your hobby. As the blurb summarises “Islands of Abandonment asks what happens when we’re gone, and how far can our damage to nature be undone?”

Click to view this book on Amazon

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Last Updated on 18 September 2022 by Michael


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