Instagram discover.reLatest Instagram photos The Mentmore Golf Club opened in 1992 according to When Mentmore Towers was built from 1852 to 1854, We were amongst the last people inside the Surrey Nevis is a small, beautiful island with a populati We were amongst the last people inside Surrey Coun Not far from the centre of Skopje, North Macedonia The Old Health Ministry was hit by a significant f Just south of this popular tourist island’s capi The National Gas Turbine Establishment, also known Whilst it feels like we're on the edge of civiliza The small building was initially a gatehouse for a Not far from Dubrovnik, where hotel prices soar an Spot the tiny humans! As we've recently revisited The National Gas Turbine Establishment, also known We've just returned from a week of exploring in th Abandoned Hotel in St Kitts & Nevis, destroyed by At the end of a long, muddy lane sits this lonely, Not much left of this rural abandoned house in Sur This pump house sits on a waterway that was popula The vast sheet metal structure of a nuclear power Could do with a lick of paint... #urbex #urbanexp This dilapidated, barely-standing building has an A number of abandoned tunnels line the Bay of Koto Exploring an Ex-Yugoslavian Submarine Tunnel in Ko At the side of a picturesque country road that wou This pump house was constructed just before WW2, a Like something out of Thunderbirds, a number of ab WWII Nazi Shelter, Serbia #underground #bunker # Abandoned housing in the small Croatian island of Not far from Dubrovnik, where hotel prices soar an This abandoned luxury resort first welcomed touris Riviera soap factory was founded in 1926 and is th Load More… Follow on Instagram Author Michael View all posts Please leave this field emptySign up to receive our latest discoveries to your email, once a week Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Share